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BVB INNOVATE kümmert sich für Technologieunternehmen um die Entwicklung und Finanzierung von Innovationen und testet passende Geschäftsmodelle. BVB INNOVATE hat für seine Projekte schon zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten, beispielsweise im Rahmen der European Satellite Navigtion Competition.
We are the drone civilian company with longest trajectory in Europe, and one of the firsts in the world. Our specialized engineers are ready to support you in any doubt that may arise. 08180, Moià, Barcelona, Spain. The BCN Drone Center will double the useful area. CATUAV wins the first ADN Empren Prize.
Emxys is an innovation-focused company specialized in the design, development and manufacturing of advanced electronic instruments, data acquisition and control systems for Space applications, both scientific and commercial. Emxys accumulates more than 10 years experience in the development of advanced electronic systems, and its adaptation to space environment; helping our customers and partners in achieving their highest technological goals.
Horizon 2020 - Questions and Answers. No of Israeli winners since 2014. Israel is a full partner in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, running from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of 77 billion. EUREKA, Eurostars and AAL. EUREKA, Eurostars and AAL.
National Space Centre provides carrier grade teleport facilities from Elfordstown Earthstation, Europes most westerly teleport located just outside Midleton, Co Cork, Ireland. We undertake space and communications related consultancy and Research and Development both for our own purposes and on a contract basis for third parties. National Space Centre is .
Es una herramienta de IA de alta tecnología, la cual traduce Inglés estándar a una versión reducida de 1,000 palabras etiquetadas semánticamente, permitiendo así una manipulación eficaz de conocimiento. Su ventaja fundamental es la reducción significativa en la ambigüedad del texto resultante.
Národní centrum pro výzkum, vývoj a zkušebnictví v letectví a kosmonautice. VZLÚ je vědeckou a technologickou základnou umístěnou v Praze - Letňanech. Nedílnou součástí VZLÚ je i detašované pracoviště aerodynamických tunelů vysokých rychlostí v pražské části Palmovka. Rozsáhlé znalosti, zkušenosti a technické vybavení VZLÚ jsou využívány v různých odvětvích průmyslu. Ing Jiří Čečrdle, Ph.
Anwendungszentrum GmbH
Thorsten Rudolph
Friedrichshafener Str. 1
Gilching, 82205
Evento Nazionale Firenze 2018 con ESNAURECamerino and ESNUniMarche. Karaoke Night Fever ESN AURE Camerino.
Ho una casa da affittare. Ho una casa da affittare. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ICE 2017 with ESN Catania. ICE 2017 with ESN Catania.